I'd Love to Paint Your Fur Family!

For over ten years, I’ve been creating custom pet portraits as a way to celebrate the incredible bond we share with our animals. There’s nothing I love more than capturing the personality and spirit of a beloved pet through my art. Each portrait is hand-painted in acrylics, using your favorite photo to create a meaningful keepsake you’ll treasure forever.

▶︎▶︎▶︎▶︎ Features
  • Acrylic on canvas
  • 11 x 14 x 1.5 inches
  • Headshots only (no full body poses) and 1 pet per painting (I do not combine multiple pets into the same painting)
  • $299 with FREE shipping in the USA
  • Rainbow colors (your choice of 4 color schemes or I can surprise you!)

▶︎▶︎▶︎▶︎ Here's How the Process Works!

  • You email me several photos of your pet for me to use as a basis for the painting.
  • The photos need to have clear focus and good lighting, so I can see the facial features well. I use the exact pose from the photo as reference for the portrait. In most cases, better reference photos help me make better portraits. So please submit good photos!! 
  • I discuss ideas/plans for your painting with you via email. I will pick the best photo you submitted, crop it to the correct dimensions, and you will approve it before I start to paint.
  • Sometimes there is a waiting list. If there is, your approved photo hold your spot in my queue. I will send you a link to purchase the week before I start to paint.

▶︎▶︎▶︎▶︎ Please email me your photos BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. I need to verify that your photos will work first. This avoids refunds and cancellations :)

**Make sure to check your Junk mail folder if you do not receive a response from me within 24 hours. Because sometimes Google will put my emails in there...

Learn More and Purchase Below